About #fulltäckning
Eliminate digital alienation
The national objective for the year 2023 is that all Swedes shall have access to stable mobile services of high quality
For an inclusive Swedish countryside with internet access for everyone
In many places in Sweden, cellular connectivity is nonexistent. You cannot make telephone calls or use the internet. For people living in these areas, basic services such as banking or connecting to people other than immediate neighbors are out of reach. The #fulltäckning project was initiated in November 2016 for this reason. Its participants work for diminished digital exclusion by increasing cellular coverage in rural areas. Through better connectivity, individuals, companies and other industries can take part in the digitalization process and contribute to a positive development for both the environment and society at large.
The #fulltäckning project will meet three challenges:
The Swedish countryside shall not be excluded from digitalization, but should have access to 100Mbit/ s. This is possible at a low cost if the right technology is applied.
Deficient coverage is a threat to safety and security. People who live in or visit Sweden should have cellular coverage wherever they are in the country.
Tourism, agriculture or agroforestry, energy and other industries should not be barred economically as a result of lack of coverage.
Papers & reports